演唱会/年会导播 | 苏州方向文化传媒—华东地区高端的影视制作公司!致力于企业宣传片制作、宣传片拍摄、权威报价 | 年会现场导播,年会导播,企业年会拍摄,企业年会录制,活动现场直播、录制,晚会导播,晚会录制,晚会现场导播,

2023-04-24 09:41:43



群众文化活动 2015金鸡湖端午赛龙舟

高校研讨会 《西交利物浦大学国际城市规划研讨会》
行政机关 《商务局招商研讨会》
行政机关 《政法系统文艺汇演》
商业广场 《百购广场开业典礼及时装秀》
民俗文化活动 《藏书羊肉文化节》
企业协会 《徽商年会》
政府机关 《新区20周年》




Broadcast of evening party/annual meeting:
Improve the definition of the evening party or conference so that it would resemble a CCTV show. With professional team and facilities of video-recording and broadcasting, we provide multi-channel real-time live broadcasting and recording on the spot. The process of production would be practical and efficient, and the program would be broadcast live throughout the world via the Internet or satellite. Experienced transition director’s fluent montage and accurate dispatch of the video images could not only guarantee an integrated display of the circuit, but also enliven the atmosphere of the evening party. The video of conference would be completed all in one go. Meanwhile, the overall feeling of the conference would be improved. What’s more, our packaging and processing in the later period would help you preserve and revive the splendid moments of the evening party. And distinguished guests’ speeches as well as interactions between each other could be kept or released as valuable professional materials. Our on-the-spot shooting team will work together to present you with feasts of eyes one after another. The live broadcasting process on the spot is also applicable for important competitions, ceremonies and lectures.

